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Written, Directed and Designed by: Maamoun Tobbo


This Work is expressing my conversation with my unconscious mind and mysterious creativity.
Huwa meaning him in Arabic is an auto-portrait of my internal path of self-discovery.
making this short film was in itself an initiation ritual into a process of internal transformation through art and expression.
This is a Poetic Acts transcript. Intentional self-healing process.
The meeting point between Art, Science, and Spirituality.

Using a Jungian approach to creating these characters, and a Platonian way of thinking to create the worlds in which they existed.
This work became the externalization of my inner world.
Watching the characters in their different states and voices 
interact with each-others turned this experience into a creative process
of my inner child's rebirth.


Visual Poetry 

 - Story-Mood board -

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